Welcome! We are Brooke and Allen Carpenter, and you guessed it we are regular people who love to travel! Our story began in Greensboro NC, where we met in college and almost immediately fell in love. We began to make life plans to move back to Allens hometown in NC after graduation but that never materialized as Allen took a job in Kansas City, MO. Neither of us had been out of the state of North Carolina for more than 7 consecutive days, and we were now uprooting and changing everything we knew to move to the midwest. And just as a crazy side note I had never flown on a plane before this! While in Kansas City we got engaged and started the wedding and honeymoon planning. At this point is where our love and exploration of travel all started. After lots of research we found that a trip to Europe for 2 weeks was not out of reach so we jumped in head first and said let’s do it! Ever since that first big trip together we have made it a point to see as much of the world as we could and we want to share the beauty that we have found with you! Our goal is to show that traveling the world can not only be cost effective, but life changing. Seeing the Parthenon, shopping in Rome, dining at EPCOT, to walking alongside the board walk in Hilton Head Island, are just some of the experiences that have changed our lives and we’re excited to share our knowledge from along the way to help make your travels anything but regular!